Monday, February 16, 2009

Ian Ruhter/Pat More/Daniel EK/ Nathan Yant/ Tom Yant

Some day's you just have to get you hands dirty. Like Mike Rowe's "Dirty Jobs", the job I'm on now is one for Forum Snowboards and it requires that we do a lot of snowmobiling. The thing about these snowmobiles is they can get you into some real trouble.
Photo: Pat Moore

Daniel Ek's day snowmobiling. This was almost an 8 thousand dollar mistake.
I'm just glad he didn't get hurt or worse.
This is us trying to put his sled back together. 
Photo: Tom Yant, Nathan Yant, Pat Moore, Daniel Ek.
Another job well done by the father son team of Nathan and Tom Yant.


tbot said...

Very nice Ian. Love the Yan'ts photo and Moore's as well, so nice.

Andi Elloway said...

the look on daniels face is pretty great.