I’m starting the third part of my Down Town Los Angles project. This picture defines the project pretty well. At firs you see a beautiful sun rise and to me that symbolizes the beauty you see as you approach the city. As you get closer the details start to emerge. Once you are in the heart of the city you notice some thing is defiantly not the same as the rest of LA. Down Town is a mix of Business People, Homeless, Artist, Gangs, Students and every other group of people living with each other. There are no lines that divide economic status, race, gender, age or sexual preference. This is where I find the inspiration for this project. In Los Angeles the line have been drawn by streets and free ways. You can go from Beverly Hill to the Hood in a matter of minutes but rarely do people do this. I fell like people in this city just stay in their bubbles. Down Town is not like the rest of LA at all this is were everyone is mixed together in an area that is only few miles wide.