I have been thinking about doing this one for a few years. When I started shooting photo I was living in Lake Tahoe so landscape photography was a big influence on me. In order for me to get my first good camera I had a job were I was a bar back at a casino. I would get off work at 1 am and the only time I had to shoot was in the night. I basically taught my self how to shot at night. I would drive out in to the woods and use the moonlight to expose my images. This opened a door for me 10 years ago that I am now ready to enter now. I am going to shoot night landscape but what’s deferent about what im going to do now vs. then is technology. I will also be shooting time lapse of the landscape I shoot. I will be shooting the photographs on film this will give me a multi media project. On my way to Tahoe I scouted out some location and shoot photos in the day for reference this is one of the images. Under the light of the moon the photo will be amazing I cant wait.

This is one of my First night landscape photos.