Five days of our blood sweat and tears... this was one of the most challenging shoots I've done. I can definitely say there is no way this could have been done with out the tremendous efforts of everyone involved. There were up to 30 people working on this shoot at any given time. Everyone involved was giving everything they had to get this project done. We worked 18 hour days in some of the worst weather conditions I have shot in. I remember seeing people sleeping in between shoots, one moment that sticks out in my head is someone standing straight up in a blizzard sleeping. That is dedication. I wonder what could drive some one to work this hard? I don’t think it was in hopes they would win a contest. I think it was because they believed in the project and believed in me. I could never explain the way that feels. There is no way you could ever thank someone for that kind of dedication. This was a contest that was put on by Transworld snowboarding mag that in involved four different snowboard brands. They wanted us to produce a creative photo and video project. I wanted to do a project that we could not lose no matter who the winner was. What I mean is we did a project about the environment which is one of the most important issues I could think of. The environment is the thing that makes it possible for us to be able to snowboard. I shot this in a way that was very different from other environmental projects. This is a futuristic dream-like look at what it could be like if we continue down the road we are doing on now. Any time I get an opportunity to do something using photography or video I try to put a message in it. That is the art I feel like we live in a world were people just do mindless things and call it art. A few years ago I decided to use the gifts I had been given to do things like this. I want to make a positive impact on the world. This is one example of how I’m going to do it. This is something that can’t be judged by people that have their own personal agendas. The bigger picture is the message not what place you end up on a list of first second and third. Life is not about that and either is art. I just hope that the message will reach people and the will go on to do positive things themselves.
If you want you can download the projects from i tunes for $5. http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewTVSeason?id=323385719&
Sorry its not free, that's the way I like to do things. The photos can be seen in Transworld Snowboarding's first issue of 09.