For many years I have been searching for this and I finally
found it. This experience has changed my life forever. Last weekend I took an amazing class with Will Dunniway! I had the opportunity to learn the wet plate colldion process from some one who has 20 years of experience doing it. When I walked in to Will’s studio/house I was in awe. The photos he had on display are some of the most beautiful works of art that I have ever seen. Seeing these images in real life was like taking a trip to the Getty museum. There are a few of that stud out and I could not stop staring at. He had a shot from Yosemite that was printed with platinum. Platinum prints are amazing anyway but to mix the two is out of control, I all so saw a few tintypes and glass originals sitting above the fireplace. The tone and light that was captured by this colldion process cannot even be described by words. Its one of those thing you just have to see. He also has photos of American Indians that have never been shown to the public. Will is a master of this craft if you are interested in see his work go to:
Here are some photos from our workshop.
Photos by: Michael O’Neil
Will Dunniway shoots Ian Ruhter
Ted Roberts, with plate of Chrystal Scanlon
Outdoor studio.
From left: James Burgess, Skip Lind, Francis Michaels (posing), Will Dunniway, Ian Ruhter
Michael O'Neil gets head braced by Will Dunniway
From left: Will Dunniway shoots with aid from , Skip Lind

Michael O'Neil with his plate
Michael O'Neil
Chrystal Scanlon poses
Chrystal Scanlon immerses wet plate tintype into fixer
Chrystal Scanlon helps pose Skip Lind for Will Dunniway
an Ruhter develops his tintype
an Ruhter fixes his tintype
Ian Ruhter removes his fixed tintype
kip Lind pour collodion on plate
Will Dunniway mounts plate to rear of camera
Skip Lind, former American Airlines pilot poses as Red Baron
Skip Lind, tintype in fix
Chrystal Scanlon in tintype rack
Chrystal Scanlon
Plate rack of days work
Will Dunniway
Skip Lind, shows his results
Skip Lind
From left: Ted Roberts, Will Dunniway, Michael ONeil (knelling), Ian Ruhter, Skip Lind, Chrystal Scanlon, Francis Michaels and knelling, James Burgess
Every one was so nice in this class I wish I could of got to know every one better but my attention was on learning. I got so much out of this class it was well worth it. I just want to thank every one who was there. It was one of the best experiences I have had in a long time!!
Ian Ruhter